Thursday, 27 October 2016

American Pale Wheatnow?

Hello? What's this? The Crafty Brewing Company have just released their first limited edition brew - an American style Pale wheat beer! Not a style I'm familiar with but one I am happy to get to know... 

There's a smoothness to this beer that is so satisfying. At first I thought maybe it was a bit light in body or the beer was a bit flat. But the more I drink it, I realise this beer has one of the best mouthfeels of any beer I've ever had. Take a mouthful and hold it for a second and you can feel the bubbles tingle on your tongue. Once you swallow this you immmediately get pineapple, orange and a tangy citrusy kick in the top of your mouth followed closely by light bitterness on the back and sides of the tongue. A smooth coated mouthfeel remains leaving you gasping for more. Just checked my bottle and surprised to see it's 5% abv. You would think this was a sub 4% session ale. It's lovely and refreshing.

As well as tasting fantastically refreshing, visually this is a highly impressive beer. As they use a centrifuge at Rye River, there is a clarity unusual to wheat beers. I love these surprises and little quirks in my beers. The colouring/design on the label also stands out a bit more than the core range here. The homestar runner of The Crafty Brewing range!! 

Tell me someone else see this haha!? 

So as I sip toward then end of my glass, I have 2 questions relating to this beer? Firstly why did I only buy 2 bottles? And secondly do I open my second bottle now or save it for the long weekend?? Tough decisions ahead! If you can find any of these in your local Lidl, do pick up a few (Maynooth had some earlier in the week). 

Cheers - The Beer Hopster 



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